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Amur living cabins and adventure parts

Off-road for work, a weekend adventure or a trip around the world.
Amur Amur Amur Amur Amur

We offer you a drop-off cabin to suit your pickup and your personal ideas.

Accordingly, we take time for our customers and stand behind our offering with appropriate and customer service.
We want you to continue to enjoy our product for many years to come.

Inconspicuous and minimalist on the outside, the most modern technologies await you inside, paired with brutally design and functionality.

Experience the fascinating adventure feeling.

about us

  • Jens Tiersch; business owner elvec e.K.
  • over 40 years of experience in vehicle construction; production management, development;
    ve. Pedelecdraisine, Horsetrailler, Truck/box conversion
  • passion for adventure travel;
  • author "Gleichgewicht" ; ...frei und gefangen an der Donau...

  • Felix Schumann; Master craftsman
  • spezialist by Rally-Team "X-Raid"; ua. Rally Dakar
  • World traveler on foot and in Selfmade-camper; 23 Monate Australien, Neuseeland, Bali, Thailand, Argentinien, Bolivien, Paraguay

"The professional know-how and knowing what you really need for adventures led me to my ideas in the AMUR POP-UP LIVING CABIN."

Jens Tiersch